Intro Blog for Final Task

    Hello, my name is Mya Hauser and I am a sophomore in high school. I live in Hollywood, Florida, and grew up with a little sister, parents, and a dog. At first, when I was trying to pick an elective to enroll In, my first choice was AICE Media Studies. However, it was not available to me since I was a freshman in High School. Throughout the year, when it was time to pick classes and electives for the 2021 to 2022 school year, I made the choice to enroll in AICE Media Studies. My main reasoning for this was because I really enjoyed watching movies and TV shows, and shortly after looking at videos of the behind-the-scenes and editing. I was always fascinated with this part of films, so, I wanted to try for myself, and be guided through the tasks and procedures to create a film. As I was creating my commercial for my first project, I found it very difficult to come up with a storyboard. Luckily, I had great group members to help guide me through this process. I also struggled to learn the vocabulary words of camera angles, movements, shots, sound, editing, and mis-en-scene. To learn the definitions of each of these words, I watched many examples of each, so that I was able to apply them to my commercial. During the editing of my commercial, It took lots of research to find good editing tools to use and how to use those tools. Then, as I moved forward to create my music video, the process to create a storyboard was much more simple, since I had already done it before. I did however have to learn the ins and outs of filming and editing to be able to create the perfect music video. My music video included eye-level shot, tracking shot, split-screen, close-up shot, spin shot, point-of-view shot, and freeze frame. While filming the music video, I had to make sure to hold the camera very still for certain shots, and for others handheld. This was a big responsibility since these shots would be shown in the music video. As I was also the one who handled the editing, I had to learn different techniques to cut the clips down to the certain length I needed, match the lip singing to the music, and create a three-way split screen. All of the steps for different projects have helped me grow as a filmer, producer, and editor. The skills that I've developed will help me complete my final task to perfection.


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