Hello, this is my CCR which is counted as my Midterm grade for AICE Media Studies. This filming experience will be memorable and I am so thankful that I am enrolled in this course.
After filming was completed, it was finally time to edit. Connor, one of my group members, chose to edit the video since he had a lot of experience. My partner was enrolled in many coding and media classes throughout his middle school career. He edited on his laptop, which he volunteered to bring to school, so my group members and I could help assist. I found time during my sixth period study hall time to help participate in the editing process. When it came to editing, I had a few issues right off the bat. It was very difficult to edit during the school day, since the internet connection was slow. This made it impossible to open and run the editing software. By this time, I had tried to restart the device and try a new device completely. It had then occurred to me to use my partner's phone hotspot to connect to the PC. This succeeded, and I was able to begin editing immediately. I messaged my partner the videos I had taken on my phone and then transferred the files to ...
Filming is now completed for my film! My next step in this journey is to edit all of the different shots into one movie. However, I am forgetting about one of the most important parts of the film... the music! As soon as my group and I decided on a genre and plot for my film, I emailed a music production company named, Warner Chappel. The Warner Chappel company messaged me back a few weeks ago, asking for a price to own the rights to the song. This price was outrageous, as they were asking for $1000-$2000. This is when I had to come up with a Plan B. I collected my group to discuss the news and everyone was devastated, since everyone was hoping to use Born Too Late, by the Poni-tails for the entire film. Everyone had shared their ideas for a new plan. Some of these plans included, emailing a new music company and messaging the Warner Chappel company again to compromise for a new price. However, it was too late into the film to wait for another music production company's...
After a full year of creative planning, filming, and editing, I have come to the end of my journey. I finally finished my film “Victim Nine” along with my group members! After many days of work and planning, I have finished my movie and cannot be happier of the outcome. Throughout this journey I have learned so much about the film making process and how challenging it is to create. After planning, filming, and editing my commercial, music video, and film, I have learned how to work with a group of people to create amazing pieces of media. I have always idolized actors and directors, and it was great to experience both worlds at once! I cannot be happier that I joined this class. This is not the beginning of my adventure, and I will continue to create and produce many films for fun and hopefully work. I hope to use this knowledge and work in media production later on in my life. I now present my final film, Victim Nine.
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