Production Blog: Last Editing Blog

 Today is my final day working on my film! So far, I've cut the length of my shots, organized them in the correct order, and added music to my production. I completed this part of the editing process after I received feedback from my film review. Now, the last thing to complete is composing the score for the film, since I never fully finished working on my music.  In order to compose the score, my partner Kaite and I opted to combine two independent audios. Katie and I both wanted royalty-free music from the 1950s or 1960s to transition into eerie, menacing music in the opening section of my audio. I gave Katie this job to complete in the beginning, but she was struggling so I decided to help. At first, this was a tough step to grasp, so I had to go back to another YouTube tutorial. The video instructed me to download it as an Mp4 file and upload it to my production. After that, I had to add all of my titles to my show. It was just a matter of timing them and fixing their location on the screen because I had previously planned them out. I planned my title sequence a while ago but recently decided to go for a different approach and change the font and color of the titles to better match my film. I had my partner's Connor and Addison help me with this part of the editing since I did not know how to insert a text into my shot. They took me through the step-by-step, and I sat there as they taught me how to insert the titles. The next big issue that I received from my film review was the horror aspect of my film. I shot new scenes of my actors with blood on the floor and holding a murder weapon. I took those shots and uploaded them to my film, which gave my film the perfect length! However, I did realize that I never included a scream in one of the last scenes of my film, so I quickly ran to my partner Addison and had her scream. Connor uploaded the sound of her screaming into the film. My film is now completed and I watched it with my group and we loved it!


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